Woman's Day just two days away and it is time to salute those using own hands to nurture good world leaders, engineers, doctors, clerks, factory workers, farmers and many others who are parts and parcel of a progressive nation. Happy Woman's Day
The evil side of SST?
The Star News - Thursday, 28 Feb 2019
PETALING JAYA: The sales and service tax (SST), which was introduced in September 2018, have increased the cost of doing business among Malaysian manufacturers by up to 10%, according to a recent survey by the Federation of Malaysian Manufacturers (FMM) and the Malaysian Institute of Economic Research (MIER).
The truth is PH mentioned about removal of GST to save "the world" and it was never mentioned that GST will be replaced by SST during GE14 campaign. If it was mentioned up front that SST to replace GST the GE14 final results could be very different. Perhaps PH leaders believe by removing GST and replacing it with SST; and removal of tolls and replacing it with congestion charge people will buy that PH has fulfilled its election promises though LGE said "Govt did not say prices won't increase after SST" and perhaps later after charging congestion charge? Isn't it just a change of name with no change of cost nature to Malaysia public?
More Bad News For Sarawak People
PUTRAJAYA: The road tax fees for registered commercial goods vehicles in Sabah and Sarawak will be standardised using the kerb weight (BTM) criteria from April 1, said Transport Minister Anthony Loke Siew Fook.
When an out of court settlement was signed on January 24th agreeing that Sarawak Report’s legal bills should be paid to the tune of RM1.4 million (RM1,422,980.00) as part of the arrangement to allow Hadi Awang to withdraw from his case, Sarawak Report agreed to Hadi’s condition that both parties keep the payment confidential.
DAP should table a motion in DUN for the purpose. That will be more meaningful.
The Star News 2March 2019
MACC lodges police report after RPK's tunnel project allegations
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian Anti Corruption Commission has lodged a police report over leaked investigation papers.
This followed news that political blogger Raja Petra Kamarudin had allegedly made an expose based on leaked documents on the Penang undersea tunnel project.
希望联盟做了政府9个月了还没有兑现竞选宣言,反而现在要反对党兑现补选竞选宣言? 希望联盟已失信,还在失信之中,还在认为希望联盟失信有理由,一切都是前朝政府的错。这补选成绩很清楚的告诉希望联盟,人民已经不再相信希望联盟。
Open tender guarantee no corruption? Just for academic argument purpose, is it possible and workable for person in charge of open tender to invite capable persons or companies to submit tender and at the same time verbally advise tenderer to jack up tender value for kickback / commission purpose? Even if open tender in charge remained "straight" would that stop tenderer to voluntarily offer kickback if it had become unspoken "nation culture"?
KUCHING, Mar 1: Parti Bumi Kenyalang president Yu Chin Liik today appealed to the federal government to discard discriminatory policies that can affect the development of Chinese education adversely. He opined that the government’s plan to merge classes of less than 30 students of different grades and to be taught by a single teacher would affect 22 of the 222 Chinese primary Schools in Sarawak.
Statement from Mr. Yu Chin Liik Chairman of Parti Bumi Kenyalang。
If Sabahans and Sarawakians in want to become millionaires, make sure get back all oil and gas that belong to Sabah and Sarawak. But, how?
January Liew to 砂拉越人民之声
I REMEMBER more than a year ago feeling dizzy because I thought the world had turned upside down. Things that used to be true were then declared fake, values that used to be upheld were discarded and their opposites lauded instead.
The latest world tech news reporting from Barcelona, Spain. Latest Xiaomi Mi 9, Huawei latest Mate X foldable phone and etc
*Disunited the Dayak especially Iban*Taib and Dr. M encourage Chinese to help Dayak to form a lot of Dayak Party. Those Chinese will give certain logging industry or other benefit to cater the Dayak party for instant Datuk James Wong and Datuk Ng.
In early 1980s PBDS and SNAP split the Dayak cos the Dayak disunited until now.
NAMA RETI PERIMETER SURVEY DISUKAT SEKSYEN 6? Tanah Temuda tauka Kebun Getah IRAD ke disukat Perimeter Survey nitih Seksyen 6. Bisi dua macam NCR. 1. NCR Dayak - Native Customary Right (Sek 5) 2. NCR Perintah - Native Communal Reserve (Sek 6)
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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