吉隆坡18日讯 伊斯兰党总秘书拿督达基尤丁声称首相敦马哈迪向他揭露,希盟两个成员党对他(马哈迪)的领导失去信心和意图背叛,但是公正党主席拿督斯里安华以及行动党秘书长林冠英今日出声否认。一名社运分子兼部落客也撰文声称,希盟内部正在酝酿发动投马哈迪不信任票,以便把他拉下台。他声称数周前从可靠消息获悉这个阴谋正在策划中,以便在国会发动投马哈迪不信任票而推翻他。安华认为, 这 完全是伊党为了转移被执法当局调查的焦点。
How does the PH Minister U turn?, we do not need to compare the previous minister with the current minister but to compare decision from last week and this week.
Should we welcome such plan with open-arm when we witnessed PH government continued with religion-oriented concept for ulu and rural government schools and teachers have been overloaded with daily paper work? When we have no idea how it is going to implement such idea we feel uneasy how the students going to cope with such sudden change for better or worse. Are our teachers qualified for such teaching method and are our schools ready for such change? Science, technology or engineering teachings required facilities and it would cost extra to the schools and in turn to the federal government. Feasible for ulu and rural schools when they could not get decent normal school facilities maintenance? Electricity supply to some schools is luxury, right?
Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim shares his views on the state of political affairs in Malaysia and where Johor stands on this.
废除GST实行SST,物价下降了吗? 硬邦邦的禁烟令是受欢迎的选票催化剂,还是驱逐选票的催命符?别忘了烟民马来人最多。动不动就以大数额罚款阻吓,处罚违规烟客、业者,连孩子无法念完中学课程家长也要受重罚,你说这是什么政府? 废了东铁,不会损害马中关系吗?
In the 1980s, Sabah's population was allegedly re-engineered through a secretive operation now known as 'Project IC'. Here's what happened.
非法以“沙巴身份证计划”颠覆沙巴人口比例,政权分配,剥夺沙巴人民的基本权利,为了政权可以无视建国国际公约“马来西亚公约1963” (Malaysia Agreement 1963)公然进行非法勾当。
Let us listen to Zainnal.
Zainnal Ajamain: Every body in malaya complicit to pilihan and plunder Sabah and Sarawak wealth for 52 yrs and enjoyed their fruits of theivery at the expense of the people of Sabah and Sarawak. Is that your version of being better?
Sarawak is our homeland. Sarawak is our root and it is rich in natural resources and despite producing petroleum we only benefit 5% from the production. 14 GE promises of increase in petroleum subsidy allocation to 20% and 50% tax collected from Sarawak to be returned to Sarawak government, even if Sarawak government is still under BN (now GPS), is not fulfilled up to now.
坊间近日传出,经济事务部长阿兹敏阿里在农历新年后,将受委为副首相。旺阿兹莎回应说:“这问题应该问首相敦马哈迪,因为我没有听到消息。” 阿兹敏阿里也是公正党署理主席,根据一篇部落格的文章指出,农历新年后内阁将改组,阿兹敏受委副首相,取代旺阿兹莎。
年关为办年货在做最后衝刺,但隨著经济萧条及物价上涨影响,生意大不如从前,甚至有逐年下滑的现象。 生意比往年惨淡。鱼贩林先生表示,由于受经济不景气影响,购买鱼虾数量都比往年少得多,从买2公斤变成只买1公斤,
The Xiaomi Mi MIX 3 is an interesting flagship device to arrive in Malaysia in 2019. It solves the selfie camera conundrum with a sliding mechanism which is pretty old-school. As a result, you’re getting a more immersive viewing experience without having any notches or punch-holes on the screen.
The video is the reminder of how Sarawak has gone through all these years and despite of petroleum producing country,development is at a very slow pace while we witnessed Twin Tower and PutraJaya construction in Malaya. Sarawak people needs to protect Sarawak Autonomy and rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 for better future.
(吉隆坡31日讯)证券监督委员会(SC;简称证监会)今日正式推出数码资产平台营运商指 南,营运商必需确保拥有500万令吉的缴足资本(Paid-up Capital),才符合申请资格; 意即没有500万令吉,有关营运商就得在3月前结束营运!
The latest tech news provided by soyacincau.com is giving you one stop report of latest development in technology as well as local government announcement. Don't forget to share the link with friends so as to keep up-to-date on current technology development.
(2007-05-15 吉隆坡讯)国会反对党领袖兼民主行动党怡保东区国会议员林吉祥说,他将在周二(5月 15日)召开的国会廉正遴选委员会会议中建议邀请前首相敦马哈迪对假身份证计划供证, 并就此严重指控提供第一手的资料。
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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