Instead of trying to request for much needed federal fund, they are trying to get Sarawak Government to pay for federal expenses in view of failure of federal government in allocating similar amount of fund given by previous BN government. The Minister of Parliament, CCJ is very creative in switching federal government responsibility to Sarawak government without feeling any guilt in doing so.
谢光量 (隆雪华青团团长)
TARUC 校方于10月23日申请调高TARUC学费因为:
【1】 配合TARUC三年内的营销变动、发展计划及经济通膨率等。(在申请函第iii 项已列明理由)
Very Loud and Clear! Right! Give back ALREADY? Autonomy? Whatever promised has been recorded in video and no embarssment for not able to fulfilled any of the promises?
在这新一年的开始,让我们以这首动听的歌"同一首歌“,回顾过去,更重要的是要展望未来。 为砂拉越和砂拉越人民继续努力。为了砂拉越的主权,继续捍卫,砂拉越全民团结一致,以期在2019年在捍卫砂拉越主权上得到丰盛果实。
A gentle reminder to Malaysian educationists: A school is not an arena of proselytisation. It is a garden of liberal learning, of curious young minds, exploring. A school is not a "medan dakwah" (a platform for preaching) and "dakwah" is not a neutral word. It is a theocratically-charged term. One who studies linguistics knows the nature of language and social construction of reality.
(布城30日讯)土著团结党多名代表在大会辩论环节,建议党主席兼首相敦马哈迪将首相任 期延长至第15届全国大选,唯当事人马哈迪直言,他不会违背自己任如我们的隐私政策所述,不过有关建议,有违马哈迪早前的承诺,即他仅会出任首相长达2年,之后将会让位予公正 党主席拿督斯里安华,出任第8任首相。
首相:华裔做生意 印裔为教育 给100 万,巫裔会买裔会跑车
(吉隆坡30日讯)首相敦马哈迪医生以给一名马来人、华人及印度人各100万令吉后,他们 会将钱花费在不同用途为例,指虽然政府已采取许多积极行动扶持马来人,然而倘若马来人 不改变如今的思维模式及价值观,他们将不会取得成功。
KUCHING: Thunderstorms are expected to hit the northern shore of Sarawak within the next few days following the detection of a tropical depression in the Philippines.
An official from a state Meteorology Department said such weather pattern is not a Super Typhoon as claimed by several netizens.
Mahathir is preaching selective values to the Muslims. Mahathir should also touch on Agreement, theft and corruption as part of the Islamic value as well. Your government fails Sabah and Sarawak, what Islamic value are you talking about?
年关将至,很多评论人都纷纷盘点2018年的种种,其中最多人讨论的,莫过于“如果当时 候……”,特别是针对509大选。在评论人眼中,人民仿佛“后悔”换政府,在他们笔下,换了 政府“才会有”种种“魔鬼政策”出现,人呢,常常不知道自己要什么,但是却特别知道自己不要什么。不相信?想想一下午餐时间时 自己是怎样的。
SEDAR发动签署请愿 吁政府设反跳槽法
(吉隆坡28日讯)大马人民友好及诉求组织(SEDAR)发起签署请愿活动,以促请当局拟定 反跳槽法令,反跳槽法令,并争取所有国会议员获平等拔款。
当变天激情亢奋消散,七个多月的沉淀后,众人期盼的新马来西亚,希盟承诺的改革新政, 有没有成形? 首相敦马似乎还是当年那个敦马,土团党也被视为巫统2.0,旧酒新瓶,509大选,我们换到 了什么?又改变了什么?逐渐变调的改朝换代,到底变成怎样了?
⏰ 20181129 TeaFm 新闻快播 📺
👉首相:种族和谐不容破坏 严厉对付挑衅人士
👉MH370罹难家属发现新碎片 下周移交大马政府
👉国家安全为由 纽西兰封杀华为5G网络
👉应对33场反G20示威 阿根廷全面封首都
KUCHING, Dec 27: The Sarawak government will build three bridges over Batang Lupar, Batang Rambungan and Batang Igan by itself now that the federal government said it has no money to build them. Works Minister Baru Bian announced in Mukah recently that these three projects had to be shelved due to financial constraints.
⏰ 20181228 TeaFm 新闻快播 📺
👉坍塌坑洞已修补 斯理阿曼—古晋路可通车
👉终止20令吉电费回扣 砂能源:联邦早前政策
👉20辆车添油后 集体在大道抛锚
👉美政府第六天关门 特朗普无意妥协
The mind set is still of the opposition era despite the fact that he is now the deputy minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs. No doubt he is in the opposition camp in Sarawak situation but as he is the deputy minister by right he should know how federal government system works. It is so easy to get the information (two schools building specification) from JKR as well as ministry of education both are federal bodies. Making a scene on Sarawak ground on the subject matter shows he is yet to perform like a leader with required/relevant skills and responsibilities.
Bersatu Youth chief Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman said he would quit the party if any "thieves and robbers" were to be allowed to join the party.The Muar MP took a similar stand to other Bersatu leaders such as its chairperson Dr Mahathir Mohamad and president Muhyiddin Yassin, in that those leaving Umno for Bersatu must be vetted first on a case-by-case basis.
It is noted that the Petroleum Development Act 1974 (PDA197) is in breach of the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the federal constitution, thus, is void. Therefore, MPs from Sarawak have a political obligation to move a Motion in Parliament to repeal PDA 1974.
SIBU: The new education system of the Pakatan Harapan government in abolishing examinations is a cause for great concern.
In a press statement received here yesterday, Bintulu MP Datuk Seri Tiong King Sing said this was not progress that would take the nation forward.
“I am sad if this new education system in abolishing examinations is implemented; the future of our children will be destroyed.”
PETALING JAYA: Lim Kit Siang's statement that DAP would have no hesitation about leaving Pakatan Harapan is a brave one but he has proven a coward when challenged to do so, says Datuk Seri Dr Wee Ka Siong.
The MCA president said Kit Siang did not even dare to defend his statement, only stressing that the DAP would not quit Pakatan.
"The question Kit Siang has to answer is: Why make a U-turn on his own statement?
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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