Sarawak and Sabah people want is full restoration of Malaysia Agreement 1963 nullifying all ACTS, Laws, ordinance, regulations and policies passed in parliament that have gone against Malaysia Agreement 1963 with the intention to nullifying Malaysia Agreement 1963(MA63). MA63 is non negotiable.
If there was no reply from the federal government when Sarawak brought up the non-negotiable rights ( immigration autonomous power, the right to enforce state ordinances in accordance with the Federal Constitution, protection on state’s borders accordance and sovereignty on the sea, underground and resources within the state) Sarawak Chief Minister said his administration would take this as a silent consent from Putrajaya. Readers worried that Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) has been indirectly been negotiated/compromised making it no longer wholesome in the MA63 Special Committee meeting.
The Borneo Post Report:
KUCHING: Sarawak government has raised four non-negotiable issues during the Dec 17 meeting called by the Federal Government Special Cabinet Steering Committee on Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63).
Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg said the non-negotiable state rights are immigration autonomous power, the right to enforce state ordinances in accordance with the Federal Constitution, protection on state’s borders accordance and sovereignty on the sea, underground and resources within the state.
“There are five issues that have to be discussed within the Special Cabinet Committee. The need to review the special allocation for Sarawak and Sabah under Article 112D of the Federal Constitution.
“The right to additional revenue under Tenth Schedule of the Federal Constitution. Residual power under Article 77 of the Federal Constitution.
“Land that is no longer needed by the federal government but placed under the Federal Land Commission should be returned to Sarawak.
“The exercise of power in relation to education, medical and health that is not satisfactory,” he said during a press conference after chairing a meeting with the Sarawak Consultative Committee on MA63 at the State Legislative Assembly Complex here today.
Abang Johari said there was no reply from the federal government when Sarawak brought up the non-negotiable rights.
He said his administration would take this as a silent consent from Putrajaya.
“Ya la, that’s the indication we have got,” he said when asked to confirm if the federal government had accepted the request on non-negotiable rights.