乡村的落后贫穷,官员的贪婪,在你上次做首相时就发生了吧?为什么看不到,什么都没有做?看到的只是砂拉越的石油天然气和资源,做到的是用砂拉越的石油天然气建了吉隆坡的双峰塔(Twin Towers)和Putra Jaya等建设。
PH government time to face reality and help the oil palm small farmers and help them to sell or export palm oil. No more cheap talk but down to earth approach. It was speculated that owing to stopping China contractor project China has cut back import of palm oil from Malaysia and import from Indonesia instead. Time to stop playing hero and talk to China to seek help.
You’ve probably heard about 5G a lot in the news lately and you must be wondering, what is 5G all about? Is it just hype or can it unlock new things which are not possible with our current mobile technology?
To find out about the potential of 5G and when we can realistically get it in Malaysia, we spoke to Morten Bangsgaard, the Chief Technology Officer at Maxis.
The Proton X70 SUV has officially launched and it's priced from RM99,800.
RM99,800 - Standard 2WD
RM109,800 - Executive 2WD
RM115,800 - Executive AWD
RM123,800 - Premium 2WD
(a) Introduction: ‘Partners of Equal Status’
SARAWAK came together with Sabah, Singapore, and Malaya, supposedly partners of equal status, to form Malaysia pursuant to the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), with its territory, including its own Continental Shelf and all attached resources, intact.
It is this ACT that Sarawak and Sabah losing the self autonomy over own natural resources.
UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND NORTHERN IRELAND and FEDERATION OF MALAYA, NORTH BORNEO, SARAWAK and SINGAPORE Agreement relating to Malaysia (with annexes, including the Constitutions of the States of Sabah, Sarawak and Singapore, the Malaysia Immigration Bill and the Agreement between the Governments of the Federation of Malaya and Singapore on common market and financial arrangements). Signed at London on 9 July 1963 Agreement amending the above-mentioned Agreement.
Forum on the Malaysia Agreement 1963
Kandungan perjanjian Persekutuan Malaya, Sabah dan Sarawak (MA63) dan 20 perkara oleh Zainal Ajamain (Malaysia Agreement 1963)
It is time Sarawak and Sabah people understand our rights under Malaysia Agreement 1963 and how to protect our honour and rights and dignity.
Forum Title: "Part 1: Safeguard in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 and the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) Report"
Speaker: Encik Zainnal Ajamain Date: 9 December 2015 Venue: SUPP HQ, Kuching
The book "The Queen's Obligation" by Zainnal Ajamain available for purchase in SUPP HQ Library.
The story of the Malaysia that was supposed to be, but never happened, because of the unfulfilled promises of the Malaysia Agreement 1963.
Comment: What the peoples of Sarawak and Sabah want is full restoration of Malaysia Agreement 1963 via cancelling or voiding laws, rules and ACTS that were passed in parliament which were with the intention to restrict and nullify the full power of Malaysia Agreement 1963. Malaysia Agreement 1963 is the foundation of Formation Of Malaysia therefore any intention to restrict and nullify it has rocked the very foundation of Malaysia causing separation of Sarawak and Sabah from Malaysia
This article is for general informational purposes only and is not meant to be used or construed as legal advice in any manner whatsoever. All articles have been scrutinized by a practicing lawyer to ensure accuracy.
Shortly after the Federal Government's announcement of tourism tax that's slated to take effect in July, the Sarawak state government made a surprise move by withdrawing its state representative from the Malaysian Tourism Board with immediate effect.
Still unclear about what’s in the agreement? We’ve broken it down for you.
1. Unlike Malaysian laws, MA63 cannot be changed in the Malaysian Parliament This is because the MA63 is an international treaty, and not a piece of law legislated by the parliament. The only way the terms within MA63 can be amended is for all the signatory parties to sit down together as peers and amend it. In practice this would mean Sabah, Sarawak, the federal government and the United Kingdom would have to sit together and reegotiate the terms in order to change it.
The detention in Canada of Meng Wanzhou, Huawei’s CFO and the daughter of its founder, is further inflaming tensions between the US and China. Her arrest is linked to a US extradition request. On December 7 a Canadian court heard that the request relates to Huawei's alleged use of Skycom Tech, a company that dealt with Iranian telecom firms, to sell equipment to Iran between 2009 and 2014 in contravention of US sanctions on the country. China says her detention is a human rights violation and is demanding her swift release.
转载文章: 作者 -- an wang
时事记者 来源:环球视野
1. 國陣倒台造成保守主義和納吉的新自由主義這兩種意識形態的全面潰敗,伊斯蘭黨的選票,威望和政治版圖大增,失去政權的巫統不是跳到土團就是往伊斯蘭黨靠攏,所以馬來社會的極右勢力,無論是馬來民族主義或伊斯蘭神權主義的聲勢大增,509後可以看到馬來網民有越來越多極端的言論。
After watching the video "National Sovereign Network IPV9 officially unveiled", I realized why cyber security is national security and what enabled the US Government to amass so much wealth from every other country in the world.
Day after day and each time we surf the internet, read our emails, WeChat, QQ, WhatsApp, etc., and use WiFi for whatever reasons including video streaming on smartphones and smartTVs, we have to use the United States Internet protocol IPV4. This is the parent server and the main root server for WWW or the worldwide Internet.
The daughter of Parti Pribumi Bersatu Malaysia deputy president Datuk Seri Mukhriz Mahathir has slammed the participants at the anti-Icerd (International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination) rally.
Melia Serena posted a picture on Instagram Stories with the caption: "Disgusting. Take all offence, I don't care. Extremely disappointing."
She also said that Vision 2020 was gone because of "all of you".
Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohammad said that there should not be elections for the line up of councillors in local councils.
He said local council elections may produce the wrong result and there will be conflicts because of the possible emphasis on racial differences.
The Sarawak government should seriously contemplate sharing its wealth, particularly revenue generated from oil and gas, with the people of Sarawak, says former state assistant minister Datuk David Teng.
According to him, the Sarawak government is expected to collect RM3.5 billion from the new sales tax on petroleum products, which is in addition to the five per cent royalty it currently receives.
为什么马来西亚1974年的 石油发展法令(PDA74) 是違反 1963年马来西亚协议(MA63)与联邦宪法?
(a) 平等伙伴
根据联邦和各州的宪法,一致认为各州属的土地和所有在其中的都属于该州,而不属于联邦政府。那就是说各州属有全权以决定有关其土地,森林,园丘,石油和所有的资源,无论是在陆上或其海域区内。 我在阅读相关的文件发现其中有许多重要的信息应该披露让大家更加清楚知道,有关我们所拥有的天然资产的权益,这也包括我们的珍贵的“黑金”课题。
林冠英说马来西亚是由三邦成立,三邦就是砂拉越,沙巴和马来亚。林冠英也证实没有砂拉越和沙巴就没有马来西亚。没有“马来西亚公约1963”也就没有马来西亚。 所以“马来西亚公约1963”是不可被修改不可以被取消。没有得到砂拉越政府和人民同意之下不可以以其他方法修改马来西亚的宪法和通过新法令来限制“马来西亚公约1963”权利,危害砂拉越和沙巴的主权和利益。现今情况明显抵触了“马来西亚公约1963”,也动摇了马来西亚建国基础。
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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