The mind set is still of the opposition era despite the fact that he is now the deputy minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs. No doubt he is in the opposition camp in Sarawak situation but as he is the deputy minister by right he should know how federal government system works. It is so easy to get the information (two schools building specification) from JKR as well as ministry of education both are federal bodies. Making a scene on Sarawak ground on the subject matter shows he is yet to perform like a leader with required/relevant skills and responsibilities.

Dr Annuar : Get the school specs from JKR, didn’t you know? 

SIBU: Deputy Minister of Domestic Trade and Consumer Affairs Chong Chieng Jen has been told to obtain the specifications of the two schools from Public Works Department (JKR) – the implementing agency.

Assistant Minister of Education and Technological Research Dr Annuar Rapaee pointed out that Sarawak’s Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Research (MESTR) is merely the client agency of this project.

In this regard, all the project specifications including costing were done by JKR, he added.

During the press conference in Kuching yesterday (Dec 27), Chong has challenged Dr Annuar to disclose the specifications of the two schools – SK Ulu Segan in Bintulu and SK Maludam in Betong, which the Sarawak government had set aside over RM40 million each to relocate and rebuild.

Dr Annuar opined that there was no need for Chong to challenge him to reveal the information because as a federal deputy minister, Chong had access to JKR and could make a request for the information that he sought.

“He should not have been so naive as to not know who is responsible for the specifications. I think Chong is actually trying to be a ‘hero’ and so, he is trying to challenge me about (revealing the specifications of) these two schools.

“My advice to him is we (MESTR) are the client agency of this project, whereas JKR is the implementing agency. Therefore, all the specifications, including the costing are done by JKR – he should understand that,” Dr Annuar told The Borneo Post when contacted last night.

He reiterated: “Chong as a deputy minister – he has all the authority, all the avenues, as he can just call up (whether state or federal) JKR to obtain the specifications.

“He can even ask Works Minister (Baru Bian) to check. And if at the end of the day, he is still not satisfied with the information given then he can question JKR.”

Dr Annuar, who is also Assistant Minister of Housing and Public Health believed that Chong’s action was prompted by his (Chong) concern over the video depicting the debate in the recent state Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting.

“I think he is worried about that video which depicted the debate between him and me in the DUN, which has garnered a lot of negative responses because of how he politicised education,” the Nangka assemblyman noted.

On this note, he felt Chong should have approached him to collectively address the concern instead of airing it through the mass media.

“Chong should pursue more funds for our schools and education. Nonetheless, I will call him (Chong) personally to make an appointment with him to see JKR to be briefed on the specifications and cost if he is really concerned about these two schools,” assured Dr Annuar.

Source: The Borneo Post

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