(吉隆坡25日讯)前首相拿督斯里纳吉贴出媒体报导,反驳亲希盟政府网民指控前朝政府, 即他出任首相期间,国际油价下跌,国内燃油不曾下调言论,并指:“指控我的人是善忘 吗?幸好,网上资料没有忘记。
KUCHING, Dec 24:A public talk on Sarawak Oil Mining Ordinance (OMO) and the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) has resolved that Sarawak has ownership of its oil, gas and other natural resources over its land and seabeds, including that under the Malaysian exclusive economic zone (EEZ). The talk’s organiser, Lina Soo, said the resolution was reached unanimously during the talk that was held in Miri on Saturday (Dec 22).
KUCHING, Dec 19 By Peter Sibon
Calls for Education Minister Dr Maszlee Malik to either relinguish his post or apologise to Sarawakians for his “medan dakwah” statement have gathered pace. When answering a question in Parliament recently, Maszlee appealed to religious teachers from Kelantan, Terengganu and Kedah to continue serving in Sabah and Sarawak rather than seeking a return to Peninsular Malaysia due to a critical shortage of religious teachers, especially in the state.
[The following article is from Dayak Daily and we have no way to find out its authentication, please read it with a pinch of salt and refer to Dayak Daily for more details.]
By Lian Cheng KUCHING, Dec 18:
Former Padungan assemblyman Dominique Ng says the legal team that he has assembled to reclaim Sarawak’s rights under the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) will bring the case to court next year. He said the team has 12 lawyers, thus far.
砂拉越土地再辽阔,资源再丰富,但却不能拥有百分百或大多数的税收权,谈何 富有?该是联邦拨款的领域,依旧必须要靠联邦拨款才能有发展,才能进步。 希盟未执政前,更准确地说是希盟未组成前,当时的反对党领袖喋喋不休,愤怒激动地 说,砂拉越土地广阔、资源丰富,却是马来西亚的贫穷州,联邦政府必须给砂拉越更多拨 款。希盟执政后,现今联邦的执政党,即砂拉越的反对党领袖高瞻远瞩、胸怀宽广地说, 砂拉越是富饶之地,不应该只想着依赖联邦拨款,而是必须做好行政管里和规划,让砂州 有更强大的经济自主。
我愿於此祝福咱们全球人类和生物 : 祝愿大家都生活在太平,和睦和富足的世界里,并善待一切生灵,
It looks like new Proton X70 is value for your money with quality feels and practical new features normally only available for more expensive car.
After 14GE, PH managed to form the Federal Government and Malaysian have high hope that racist policies will be the things of the past. But people still facing the same problem of racist policies in entrance to local university.
为什么马智礼特别针对砂沙?远的不谈,近10年有大批西马宗教司和教师被派驻 到东马服务,有部份教师履行教职的同时,却又有意无意地向学生灌输宗教思 维。 如果说,马智礼是希盟执政后,最具话题性的部长,相信不为过。希盟执政至今7个多月, 许多人不会记得马智礼为大马教育的未来作了哪些长远的规划,只记得他的黑鞋白鞋论。 再来是谈到推动大马阅读风气的10年大计,马智礼说了很多,但大多数人都针对他建议在 油站、快餐店等设阅读角落,大肆批评一番。
Malaysia Agreement 1963 spelled out Sarawakian rights and autonomy has been intentionally hidden from Sarawak people. Several Laws and ACTS had been passed in parliament trying to restrict the power of Malaysia Agreement 1963 against the interest and spirit of Malaysia Agreement 1963 and rocking the foundation of the formation of Malaysia.
509大选以前 ,朝野政党都将承认统考文凭,纳入竞选宣言,华社及华教工作者,皆万分期待,雀跃不已。蛮以为最后一里路,将在大选后,马上走完。但是政府换人做以后,从种种迹象来看,承认统考, 却不容乐观,路还遥远。
希盟在競选宣言第49项阐明:确保沙砂种族与宗教自由。我们希望希盟政府不忘承诺, 能逐步加以兑现 ,不辜负人民的期望。沙砂两 地世代以来,各族人民都过着国泰民安的和谐生活。不管是开斋节、圣诞节、华人新年,各族人民都欢聚一起 ,普天同庆。这是我们沙砂的特色文化 , 值得引以为荣 。我们沙 砂人民 不希望马来亚的种族情绪和宗教纠结带进沙砂,更不希望有人操弄种族与宗教课题,引发种族紧张、猜忌,以致仇恨,而破坏了各族团结与社会和谐的氛围。
雪州淡江州议员沙阿里宋吉(Saari Sungib)不仅在穆斯林中很有名,对于非穆斯林社会而言也不陌生,尤其是社运份子和活跃于非政府组织者。
It is likely the talk within PH that she should be the next PM as soon as she garnish enough support from PH MP ss well as consensus from current PM.
From the performance of Anwar since release from jail and pardoned by Agong, there is nothing there that could highlight him as next PM. He remains submissive to PM and wouldn't take the risk to speak his mind when political development is against interest of rakyat. Inevitably, rakyat will look for alternative and she is there and already DPM who is in position to take over. And she is "clean" and so far no known corruption allegation.
Nowadays frogs jumping is common in Malaysia especially when "political climate" is favourable for such activity.
If Dr. M would like to see to it that Bersatu represention in PH is influential enough so as to be a decision maker the increase in number of minister of parliament is essential.
The easy way out is to get friendly minister of Parliament to jump over from other political party. Hence, such speculation by unknown person spark social viral of frog jumping news.
Want to experience an entirely different holiday? It is time to book your trip to the home of Hornbill birds and enjoy the natural beauty of Sarawak. Mt Mulu is the must visit natural habitat and will make your holiday brightened up by its natural beauty.
1. MA63 is sacrosanct fundamental & cardinal international treaty
2. To review MA63 in context of IGC Recommendations
3. No compromise on territorial integrity & seabed & subsoil
4. Immigration rights non-negotiable
5. Examine federal continuing breaches of MA63
向来鼓催要进行地方选举的行动党,当首相敦马哈迪说不办地方选举时,出奇的鸦默雀静, 让人很不习惯。 记得在这之前,行动党对推动恢复地方选举是最积极的,林冠英上任槟州首长时,尝试通过 州议会修改地方选举法以达到目的,可惜因违反联邦宪法而未能得遂所愿,但现在行动党贵 为希盟政府第二大党,非但没继续推动地方选举,反而对首相敦马的否决视若无闻?
(吉隆坡14日讯)青年与体育部成功安排4架亚航专机,载送Ultras Malaya支持者前往越 南,在河内美亭国家体育场为国家足球队“马来亚虎”加油打气。 青体部部长赛沙迪指出,他们包租4架亚航的飞机,是希望能够带更多的Ultras Malaya支 持者前往越南,为客场征战的国足球员们打气。
Association of Churches in Sarawak (ACS) wants the federal government to stop using public servants or teachers to carry out any form of Islamisation in Sabah and Sarawak. It also urged Putrajaya to honour their promises and undertakings of religious freedom and Borneanisation of the public service as safeguarded in the Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63), the Inter-Governmental Committee (IGC) Report 1962 and the Federal Constitution.
KUALA LUMPUR: The High Court here today struck out an originating summons filed by Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad seeking for the court to declare null and void the Royal Commission of Inquiry (RCI) report into foreign exchange losses suffered by Bank Negara Malaysia in the 1990s.
对于莱士胡申的评论,努鲁依莎在推特提醒对方,请不要代表我发言。 (吉隆坡17日讯)土团党策略局主任拿督莱士胡申(RaisHussin)认为,公正党峇东埔国会议员努鲁 依莎一定会撤回辞去党职的决定,后者闻讯后反击前者:“请不要代表我发言。” 此前,努鲁依莎宣布辞去她公正党副主席职,及辞去槟州公正党主席职。
It is true that some members are just leaders followers doing no obvious harm to Malaysia as a whole and there is no evidence of corruption. But Malaysian could not accept them because of their UMNO leaders had been involved in corruption. These "good" members perhaps need time to prove themselves that they are indeed "good in nature" and not otherwise? But can Malaysian wait for them?
(布城19日讯)首相敦马哈迪形容,本身并不喜欢拥有2/3多数议席的政府,反之我国需要有强大 的反对党,以便作为借镜。「个人而言,我並不喜欢2/3多数议席的政府,我希望有强大的反对 党。」 他说, 如今反对党已经支离破碎,国大党、马华起不了作用,而巫统更是四分五裂,一些人想要继 续留在巫统,一些想著要离开,还有一些人想要放弃政治。
Can we Sarawakian talk and discuss about Sarawak Independence? We asked our senior to find out...
KUALA LUMPUR: Pakatan Harapan's acceptance of deserters from Umno is a betrayal of the mandate given by the people to the ruling coalition, PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar said.
In a stinging rebuke delivered via Twitter today, the Permatang Pauh Member of Parliament (MP) described the widespread defections and PH being open to taking them in as an insult to voters who gave their mandate to PH in the 14th General Election (GE14).
早前加拿大政府咨询了位于纽约的法学教授和国际法专家Thomas Franck先生,以了解有关魁北克脱离的问题,他说:“今天不能否定国际法禁止脱离,也不能否定国际法允许脱离国家。同时国际法也承认脱离的特权,也对任何不脱离的人没有义务。
(吉隆坡15日讯)马华亚依淡区国会议员拿督斯里魏家祥对财政部长林冠英于12月3日,在 国会辩论2019年财政预算案阶段,宣布拨款新纪元大学学院、南方大学学院和韩江大学学院 各200万令吉是否合乎程序,提出质疑。 “财长在11月2日提呈2019年财政预算案,财政部的委员会阶段辩论于11月26日进行。如上 述所言,林冠英是在12月3日才宣布拨出600万令吉给这三所大专。当时预算案还在辩论阶段 让国会议员辩论发表意见,林冠英却随意做出额外拨款,这样的做法合?
这是什么意思呢?要让沙巴和砂拉越成为宣教的沃土?!教育副部长 Teo Nie Ching (张念群) 可以解释吗?
Nothing to review, just restore Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) to its full power by nullifying all Acts, laws, regulations and policies which go against the MA63.
马来西亚人民感觉GE14的人民果实已被国阵巫统骑劫。很像希望联盟政府已被巫统reverse takeover了!
Parti Bumi Kenyalang is a multi-racial political party in Sarawak and having an achievable mission :"IN QUEST OF INDEPENDENCE".
We plan to field 82 candidates in the coming Sarawak Election. We are not taking any donations but your gifts in appreciation of our struggles are appreciated.
肯雅兰全民党是砂拉越的多元种族政党,其使命是可实现的:“追求独立之路”。我们计划在即将到来的砂拉越大选中派出82名候选人,因此我们需要砂拉越人民和海外支持者在经济上以财礼(gift) 方式来支援我们。
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