Image result for 余清禄

We praise for every sentence of speech, and praise for every action of the struggle for Sarawak’s original status and complete sovereignty. In oder that to form the greatest voice of all Sarawak people in this new era!    Yes, our road to our beloved country’s sovereignty is still tortuous, but we are  Sarawakian, we were born in Sarawak, we will died for Sarawak, We Sarawakian for Sarawak!   Let us work together and marching forward to the dawn of Sarawak.


Who should be responsible for the forsake of Sarawak’s rights in the past


Yu Chin Liik  at March 2019 17 noon


For those who are responsible for the forsake of Sarawak’s rights in the past, There is a certain truth in the public opinion,  But, this is no need to dispute.  Observation from the historical perspective of seeking truth from facts,  and the most important tasks at the moment, I think:


Historically said, in the past, Sarawak in the Malaysian framework, anyone who violated the Federal Government will must be eliminated.


In 1963, Sarawak first Chief Minister, Stephen Kalong Ningkan, decided to rely on the MA63 to realize the Sarawakization (Borneolization) of Sarawak’s civil servants, and resolutely resisted the federal Government’s will to replace the departing British officials, and was persecuted, although the court judgment declared Ningkan to win the case and finally was forced to step down. . Sabah is even worse. You don't accept the 5% oil revenue, they just simply detonated a plane that sitting more than half of the cabinet member , which just fly  above the Sinsuran Water Village near the fencing of Kota Kinabalu airport. The Sabah ministers in the plane all died of blood and blood, and the scene was full of chills.



I would like to ask, under the circumstance like this highly white horror, who would dare not sign this 5% Agreement ?


We should understand the situation of these older generations in the past, and the old leader of the Party SUPP, Stephen Yong, Ong Kee Hui, including Chong Shou Jiang ( later on he became the leader of the Democratic Action Party in Sarawak ),  agreed and signed . My suggestion is , We no longer have to entangle the old books in this matter.


Now, the most important thing for us is that regardless of the political parties, all Sarawak people regardless of race,  unite , to look forward and work for the restore status of the original Sarawak country, and to reclaim the sovereignty of Sarawak.

We praise for every sentence of speech, and praise for every action of the struggle for Sarawak’s status and complete sovereignty. In oder that to form the greatest voice of all Sarawak people in this new era!

Yes, our road to our beloved country’s sovereignty is still tortuous, but we are  Sarawakian, we were born in Sarawak, we will died for Sarawak, We Sarawakian for Sarawak!

Let us work together and marching forward to the dawn of Sarawak.




作者:余清禄      2019年3月17日中午










我们应该理解当年这些老一辈当年的处境,过去的人联党前辈老杨老王,包括当时的守江(后来的民行党领袖)都签了。 我们无需再在这件事上去缠绕旧账骂人家。


现在,我们最重要的事情是,不分政党,不分种族的所有的砂拉越人团结起来朝前看,为现在的索回砂拉越的原本邦国地位做事,为索回完整的砂拉越主权而开声,为揭露和拒绝假争取真出卖讲话,为所有为砂拉越邦国地位和完整主权而奋斗者的每一句话,每一个行动点赞! 以形成在这新时期里的所有砂拉越子民们的最大声音!  是的,我们的还我邦国归我主权之路还曲折艰难,但,我们是砂拉越人,是砂拉越子民,我们生于斯,死于斯,我们不做谁做!让我们携手并肩勇往向前吧!

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