

Reveal the contents of intended amendment of federal Constitution request. It is a good and fair request.

Breaking Cement monopoly ? Sarawak merchants should be free to import from overseas too. To bring down housing price, quality steel and cements should be allowed to be imported from overseas. Protection of local industries if could not yield mature local industry should be stopped to push local industry to innovate in order to compete as such protection is at the expenses of property purchasers, they are paying for local industry inefficiency.

沙团结党主席拿督麦西慕昨日说:沙巴非法移民问题从70年代就开始出现,现在已严重到影响国家安全,如果还不解决,大马绝对有可能「失去」沙巴。人民,特别是年轻一代已感到灰心。他们只能重复的问,为什么联邦政府倾全力,动用了所有安全部队及设备,还是不能完全保护沙巴免于外来人持续的进来?一些甚至可能是恐怖份子?」 沙巴370万人口中,至少三分之一是外来人,外来人中大部份为非法移民。SSKM 也一直都在鼓吹如果大马政府没有能力保护沙巴及砂拉越,就让有能力的来做这些工作

Mahathir Mohamad wearing a suit and tie

There are several parties that have expressed interest in buying the troubled national airlines Malaysia Airlines Bhd (MAS), says Prime Minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad. We want to study whether or not we should sell. Although the management is externally appointed, MAS is still suffering losses. So, one of the ways is to sell.  he said: I love MAS. I want MAS to be a national airline. But it seems as though we can't afford it," 

The implementation of the Pan Borneo Project, Enc.Mohd Faz Abdul Hamid, pointed out at the Kota Kinabalu on the 19th thatafter the 5.09 Parliament election was changed, the Contractor is still infatuatedly awaiting federal government funding the remaining 23 projects in the first phase of the Pan Borneo Project.

Image result for Sarawak hotel business drop tremously Image result for mulu caves tour

In 2018, the hotel industry in Sarawak plunged, and the market was dropped every yearly.  According to the immigration records, there were only 49,119 people entering Miri Airport in the first two months of this 2019。And the number of trips to the Mulu National Park was only 374 in the first two months of this 2019. The passengers were pitiful

The implementation of the Pan Borneo Project, Enc.Mohd Faz Abdul Hamid, pointed out at the Kota Kinabalu on the 19th that after the 5.09 Parliament election was changed, the Contractor is still infatuatedly awaiting federal government funding the remaining 23 projects in the first phase of the Pan Borneo Project.


泛婆大道工程执行伙伴莫哈末法兹阿都哈密19日在亚庇指出,在509大选变天后,至今仍在「痴等」联邦政府对该大道第1期工程下其余23个配套之拨款。他说,改朝换代后,联邦政府重新审视国家财政状况,连带泛婆大道第1期工程的拨款也被重新检讨。泛婆大道第1期工程有35个配套迄今已颁布12个配套,其余23个配套(约66%)则仍等待联邦政府的拨款第1期工程耗资220亿,包括征地费用在内。 参与工程发展的顾问工程师设计师等,90%是本地人。第1期工程须在2021年9月30日或之前交付,否则将会面对赔偿

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We praise for every sentence of speech, and praise for every action of the struggle for Sarawak’s original status and complete sovereignty. In oder that to form the greatest voice of all Sarawak people in this new era!    Yes, our road to our beloved country’s sovereignty is still tortuous, but we are  Sarawakian, we were born in Sarawak, we will died for Sarawak, We Sarawakian for Sarawak!   Let us work together and marching forward to the dawn of Sarawak.


Image result for ️大马自然之友马哈迪


Image result for Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, mereka penjawat awam bukan sahaja menerima gaji yang terlampau tinggi malah ‘khidmat’ mereka sebenarnya tidak diperlukan.

Menurut Perdana Menteri, Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, mereka penjawat awam bukan sahaja menerima gaji yang terlampau tinggi malah ‘khidmat’ mereka sebenarnya tidak diperlukan.Ini yang menyebabkan kos meningkat. Semua ini akan kita hapuskan, (gaji) mereka bukan sahaja tinggi malah sebenarnya khidmat mereka tidak diperlukan. Kononnya mereka akan memperbaiki keadaan ekonomi negara.

Image result for Arnold Puyok of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak.

Mahathir is unlikely to grant full autonomy to Sabah and Sarawak, says an analyst citing the latter’s previous policies of having a strong federal government.Arnold Puyok, of Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, says the prime minister believes in a stronger federal government for national integration. “He believes in a strong federal identity. “When it comes to nation building, Mahathir believes that centralisation is vital to keep the territories together and the government strong,” Puyok told FMT.  As such, how much of autonomy is he willing to give away to Sabah and Sarawak?”

 Image result for S4S 梁传宏:

S4S 梁传宏希盟政府日前表示有意在国会通过修宪恢复砂拉越“邦”的地位,即使能顺利在國會通过,但是,國會222个國席,砂只有區區31席,占据不到14%比例,“复邦”也只是有名无实權砂將継续成為聯邦政府的政治把玩的傀儡砂要拿回各种稅务和自治及行政權是痴人説梦的奢望! 4分之3实權落在*馬來亞*半島。砂要要拿回石油税和一切屬于砂的稅收和權益,*馬來亞*政府能同意下放權利嗎?”  不论希盟还是砂政盟,都在忽悠砂人民复邦課题是他們安抚砂人權宜之計,看不到半点誠意。 


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