The GPS government's intention as reported in the press by DCM Douglas Uggah, to recruit 3,000 Bangladeshi to work in plantations and in other sectors should be opposed by Sarawakians - Please see Dayak Daily 7 October 2021.

We should not allow foreigners, especially, from middle east countries and from Pakistan and India to come and work in Sarawak because our consideration should be to provide employment opportunities to our own people, not to foreigners. By wishing to encourage employing foreign workers, the GPS government is against its Sarawak First concept. Our people are not lazy but they were seldom been given opportunities to prove themselves. We have many skilled workers who now are working outside the country.

There are too many Sarawakians who are seeking employment in Sarawak but forced by circumstances, prejudices and preference for foreign workers, our Sarawakian youths have to leave the State to seek employment outside Sarawak

In Johore alone, it is estimated about 200,000 Sarawakians, mostly are dayaks are working in Johore and in Singapore. This should not to be allowed and job opportunities should be opened to entice them back and to be near home and their families.

The government and local companies should train them to be productive workers to help develop the State.

GPS government should be sensitive to problems caused by foreign workers. Foreign workers brought in incurable diseases and many became criminals and caused many social problems. Crime rates caused by foreign workers are very high.

Many married to locals and later abandoned our locals who married them and then went back to their home countries. They abandoned their children born here and we have to take care of their abandoned families and children. Many of these children, especially those born out of wedlock, became stateless. These foreigners could be a threat to national security too. They could be spies, criminals and terrorists in their own countries, in which, we have no means to check their criminal records.

We know very well there is good money for certain companies and powerful people in power in allowing foreigners to work in Sarawak. A foreign worker once allowed into Sarawak could easily fetch an income for agents and powerful people in the corridors of power of about RM5 to RM7 per person or even higher, depending on the skills of the foreign workers. Lots of money changed hands and we don't want unhealthy accusations or suspicions being harbored against our ministers and immigration officers who processed and who are involved in approving these foreign workers to work in Sarawak.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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