The great Kenyalang land is a beautiful and prosperous country and its ethnic nationals are friendly. The children of the Kenyalang country, after liberating themselves from the Brookes, the Japanese occupation and the British colonialism, have entered into a Federation in 1963 consisting of Sarawak and Sabah, Malay Peninsula and Singapore, which now marks its 50th anniversary. For a better protection and to enjoy the Sarawak people's rights, the children of the Kenyalang country declare herewith the forming of the all people's party, the Parti Bumi Kenyalang, or PBK.

Basic Principles of the Party


To establish a just, democratic, egalitarian, friendly and prosperous society that is free from racism and respects the freedom of religion and beliefs according to the constitution.


To protect and and correct the Government that is formed based on the democratic parliamentary system.


To push to establish an efficient, clean and transparent Government including local governing administration.


To advance to establish economic, educational and culturally balanced development of all ethnic nationals, especially to improve the conditions of those economically less developed.


To Prioritize in basic construction and economic development in rural areas.


To protect and improve the unity of all ethnic groups so that they may live in peace and harmony; and to inherit the spirit of self-confidence and diligence of the people of Sarawak.


To further protect the rights of Sarawakian within the Federation of Malaysia.


To protect and guarantee the traditional rights and interests of the indigenous people.


To encourage cooperation with other political parties, organizations and individuals who share the goals and principles of PBK.


To encourage all kinds of activities that serve the interests of PBK but may not yet be included in this declaration.








The mission of PBK is to work toward the noble goal of an equal and fair society. We swear to fight for the principles of a just society.



Principles of a just society


1. Policy and Governing


The interests of Sarawak today as one of three founding members of the Federation of Malaysia has to be redefined and protected. All rules and agreements that are not in accord with the position of Sarawak as a founding member of the Federation shall be corrected accordingly.


The interests of Sarawak and Sabah regarding compensation and statutory procedures by the formation of the Federation of Malaysia shall be protected. Any violation or infringement of the rights and interests of the people of Sarawak and Sabah has to be confirmed in a referendum or revisited and corrected accordingly.


It is necessary to fully guarantee and complete implementation of a democratic form of self government of Sarawak with full administrative autonomy and the authority to efficiently employ civil servants for both the state and local administrations of Sarawak.


The position of Chief Minister for the State of Sarawak must be limited to 2 (two) terms or maximum 10 (ten) years only. The positions of heads of departments and presidents of local councils must be strictly limited to 2 (two) terms only.


The recruitment and promotion appointments of all civil servants and officers shall be strictly based on qualification, skill, integrity and talent. There must be a proportionate recruitment of ethnic groups. All forms of cronyism must be prohibited.


Elections shall be held for local councilors, but some councilors may be appointed as a protection of persons from minority groups.


A policy of equal treatment in all fields for all ethnic groups must be practiced. However, the policy shall not overlook unequal conditions of development. There shall be a just statutory support to ethnic minority groups in economic, professional and cultural education.


Fair election districts between state and federal elections must be redefined. The redefinition of election districts shall be first based on population of the districts and secondly based on the ethnic demographic distribution.


In order to safeguard a democratic and fair election, a total reform of the election mechanism is necessary. The election mechanism shall be independent and free from interference of political parties, organization or individuals control.


Sarawak's citizen shall have the right to participate in the decision making process of the federal government. Sarawak's citizens shall enjoy equal rights to bear positions in federal government and other public sectors.


We shall oppose all kind of undemocratic, unconstitutional laws. We shall work toward revocation of any enactments or decrees that are in contrary to human rights such as the former ISA (Internal Security Act) that allows arrest without lawful charges.


We shall strictly supervise the Sarawak State Police, their policy and their performance, to ensure that law enforcement units in Sarawak are efficient and fair in enforcing the law. Sarawak's Government Agencies shall have the right to request replacement of federal officials in Sarawak in the event of misconduct.


We shall establish an independent, efficient inspectorate in Sarawak that is free from corruption and power abuse. In order to achieve these goals, we shall cooperate with Federal anti-corruption body and Federal Inspectorate to totally erase corrupt power abuses and inefficient government and corrupt business practices.




2. Economy and Finance


To establish a fair allocation of Sarawak's resources, a fair allocation of federal versus Sarawak finances, fair allocation between state government and different segments of the populations in Sarawak.


The annual appropriation for Sarawak by the Federal Finance shall be based on the contribution of Sarawak to the Federal Finance and based on Sarawak's infrastructure development needs.


The national resources of Sarawak are the Sarawak people's wealth. It shall be shared by all ethnic groups and people at all levels in the society inclusively for the benefits of future generations. Sustainable development shall be planned. Exploration and development shall not endanger ecological environment. Indiscriminate deforestation shall be strictly prohibited.


Any exploration and development of natural resources in Sarawak shall be based on open tendering process. Allocation of projects based on business cliques, collusion or nepotism are prohibited. A small portion of projects may be exempted from open tendering such as for certain government institutions or disadvantaged minority groups.


Any public construction and development projects shall be subject to open tender process to all eligible persons except a small portion that will be reserved for disadvantaged minorities or groups. Priority of all open tender processes shall be reserved to domestically eligible persons or companies. It will be open to international companies only if technologically and funding requirements go beyond domestic capacity. This is in order to ensure fair and efficient implementation of expenditures.


Revisit and renegotiation regarding extraction tax of Sarawak's oil and gas from the existing 5% to 30%.


The appropriation of small scale development funds for state legislators and ministers shall not based on political parties but shall be based on necessary requirements.

To protect and support the Sarawak Fishery. Strictly prevent Sarawak Fishery from over fishing and destruction. To ensure fishery resources have both benefits and sustainable development by cracking down on illegal practices of local fishing licenses to be leased to foreign fishing vessels.


To promote modern agriculture, focus on food industry and animal husbandry to achieve self-reliance. The national economy shall be based on ecological protection and non-infringement of the traditional interests of the native Sarawak people.


To promote locally based raw materials favorable for export of manufactured goods with high tech content and environmentally friendly industry. Continue to create high tech and high efficiency in the field of high paying jobs to retain young people and professionals to stay in local employment.


To create and promote Sarawak's unique eco-tourism.


To create one to two main banks in Sarawak as a base for local funding which are primarily locally managed in order to promote local financial activities and provide fast and efficient services to local peasants' commercial activities. Local banks shall be exempted from part of the national bank ordinance in terms of requirements in fund size and number of branches.


To oppose the introduction of a consumption tax to reduce taxing of small cars for the benefit of middle-low income communities; to reduce taxing of rural area vehicles for the benefits of rural population; to waive tax on agricultural mechanics and equipment. In case of insufficient Federal budget, the Government of Sarawak shall establish support mechanism.


To reduce prices of gasoline, diesel, natural gas and other crude oil products. Strictly prevent smuggling of subsidized oil products. This is in order to ensure low prices for the benefit of the people. If the Federal Government is unable to implement it, the Sarawak Government shall form special administration to enforce it.


To establish a small-scale youth entrepreneurship lending fund to assist young entrepreneurs.

3. Culture and Education



Revise the autonomous rights of Sarawak in education as stipulated in the covenant of forming the Federation.

Protect the national education, improve the level of English language,

guarantee the rights of all ethnic nationals to enjoy their respective

mother tongue education at elementary level.. Especially support for

the Dayak culture and education and shall be included in the annual

national education budget. In the event of insufficient fund for this

purpose, the Government of Sarawak shall bear the responsibility.


To recognize the diploma of the existing independent Chinese education system. The Government of Sarawak shall have the fund included in its annual budget.


To provide free education for the people of Sarawak from primary school to the university level in the country.


To develop a public university system of Sarawak; increase admissions in institutions in higher education; provide admission to all eligible students to enter local or other universities in the Federation.


To improve vocational education in various areas. Provide students waiting for their admission and working students to receive vocational training or skill upgrading training.


To guarantee ethnic nationals to conduct their cultural activities and their rights to development; to promote ethnic cultural and arts exchange.












4. On Health Care



To establish universal coverage especially for low income population and an efficient secure health care system. In the event of insufficient Federal funding, it shall be covered by the Sarawak Government budget.


To ensure Government hospitals have sufficient qualified doctors and also improve medical equipment and increase service levels continuously.


To provide regular and adequate mobile medical services to remote rural areas.
































5. On Basic Development




Transportation, electricity, water supply, telecommunication, health care, education and culture, sea ports, airports, aviation, Government Administration, commerce and industry, residential, leisure, tourism, disaster prevention, ecological protection and other basic developments have to achieve the standard average level in Malaysia and beyond in a short term.


To enhance and improve the existing road system and the safety index. Upgrading the highways in Sarawak to 4-lane. To implement construction planning of road access to remote townships and to build roads leading to villages immediately.


To develop and improve public transportation from towns to rural villages for the benefit of the public and for convenience.


To improve electricity supply, clean water supply and efficient telecommunication service system to ensure all towns and villages are covered in short term.


To control in order to enjoy the benefits of decreased electricity fees, lower connection fees, lower communication and internet charges.


To establish a direct access from Sarawak to international shipping and aviation systems in order to reduce export trade and business travel costs efficiently and also increase trade and tourism advantages.


To control in order to significantly reduce air fares within West Malaysia and Sarawak.









6. Land


The rights on Sarawak's land is the most fundamental interest of all Sarawak's ethnic nationals.



To protect the legitimate rights of landlord's land ownership.


a. To ensure small and micro industry, commerce, housing, social

organizations, agricultural leases are renewed or extended upon

expiration. Maturity land expropriation for public purposes shall also

be compensated at market prices.


b. To protect the legitimate rights and interests of indigenous,

traditional landownership. Legal protection shall be given to

legitimate small agricultural land owner to prevent encroachment by

others. Priority land allocation shall be given to legitimate

indigenous residential (including long houses) and for those who

have cultivated long-term perennial crop on their traditional land.


The collective ownership system of indigenous rural groups on their traditional land shall be identified as soon as possible in order to determine their legitimate rights and boundary limits of area and be legally protected from illegal occupation.


To set up special courts at various levels to handle land disputes in order to strengthen and focus on long term, illegally occupied or encroachment of indigenous traditional lands.


e. Expropriation for public purposes of indigenous traditional land

shall be compensated fairly.


f. The deadline to freeze a land for public use plan is limited to three

years. After expiration of 3 (three) years without expropriation, the

deadline freeze shall be automatically void.


g. Private land expropriation by Government shall be for public

purposes only. It is strictly prohibited to turn it to private use. The

expropriation compensation shall be at market price. In case of

violation, the expropriation is void.

To establish development planning for land and traditional land development. In the spirit of protecting land owner's rights as mentioned in 6.1, enterprises are encouraged to conduct their businesses in joint development enterprises. Existing laws have to be improved to strengthen the inspection system in order to protect mutual benefits in joint enterprises.


Public Land of Sarawak


a. Freeze all land development of virgin forest.


b. Freeze all land development that may infringe on the ecological

environment and may endanger the safety of the water supply.


c. According to plan, there will be public land to be developed by

private persons subject to public tendering process. Collusion,

crony favoritism and nepotism are strictly prohibited. An

exemption from public tendering may apply to disadvantaged

ethnic groups or social organizations.


d. The development planning of public land by private persons shall

be categorized into large, medium, small and micro to enable

various segments of the public to participate.


To implement the policy that ensures farmers have their land for long term cultivation, animal husbandry and breeding.

















7. Housing



To implement the policy that everyone shall have affordable housing by introducing an affordable home ownership program for low income populations that guarantees quality, low cost and at an appropriate location. Especially to ensure that workers coming from remote area and villages can rent affordable houses with adequate facilities.


To revoke all kinds of permits resulting from protective monopoly of construction materials supply. To reduce import duties to lower construction costs.


To expedite the permit process for middle and small housing development projects, the authority shall be sufficiently carried out at provincial or district level.






























To establish welfare institutions for the elderly and people with disabilities including but not limited to such mental problems, paralysis, life threatening diseases, single parent families, orphans, seriously ill and troubled families due to accidents, so that any unfortunate and their families may have basic housing security, health care and education insurance. The above-mentioned basic living security is to be prioritized for low income population and for remote rural villagers.


To determine minimum wages for workers in various fields and to establish minimum living security system for the people of Sarawak, especially for the people from remote areas.






























The Remote Rural Villagers and Indigenous Inhabitants



Most of the rural villages and indigenous population in remote areas lack basic development construction. Their cultural education and economic conditions are in a disadvantaged position. They lack of medical protection and fire prevention measures. The Government of Sarawak ought to take a stronger role in both policy implementation and financial support, greatly.



To implement development construction, provide infrastructure such as good transportation, education, electricity, water supply, telecommunication, fire prevention system and facilities for medical care.


To strengthen cultural education, technical profession, agricultural vocational training and guidance, improve the quality of productive man-power, improve financial management and management skill in order to lift economic position.


To provide financial support, technology, human resources and facilities to enable the rebuilding of these parts of village constructions that have been using fire-prone wood materials, especially long houses. In order to achieve fire prevention standards, in every village shall be established a fire prevention system and fire prevention self-help committees.

















10. Religion and Beliefs



To guarantee and protect the freedom of religion and beliefs. The government shall prevent any attempt to use violence or coercion to gain membership in any religion or beliefs community. The government shall adequately provide financial support for construction and maintenance of people's worship buildings in rural villages.






































11. Explanation and Wishes



Shortcomings in the above platform may be amended later at an appropriate time. It will follow the development of the society at its various stages and be corrected in the Party Congress and then announced and carried out.


Our Party is willing to cooperate, long term or short term, with any parties, organizations or individuals with same or similar platform in Sarawak or Malaysia to achieve welfare, happiness and good health for the people of Sarawak and to achieve a peaceful, prosperous and strong Malaysia.










Parti Bumi Kenyalang

Announcement of

the Central Committee of the Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK)



Sibu – Sarawak















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