Voon Lee ShanA series of police reports had been lodged concerning the contents of a Facebook account holder of Gerald Kerr depicting our Lord Jesus was naked on the cross. This is very irresponsible and a great insult to our Lord and to our Christian community.

We express our anger about this and we hope the relevant authorities will take fast action against the suspects who posted such a false picture. You cannot mock our religion, you cannot mock our Lord. So far in the past Christians in Sarawak and Sabah were very tolerant but we have a limit in our tolerance.

Holy Night

I hope the relevant authorities do not play double standards in handling matters such as this one and not to bring the offenders to court.

If the authorities fail to take appropriate actions action against the offenders, fire could be lit to "burn the forest". Do not take this lightly because we shall not going to stop here and may demand justice in the streets.

The authorities must know Christians in this country, especially in Sarawak and Sabah will not stop easily being bullied all the time. We feel we are bullied if the offenders are not booked and brought to court.

Voon Lee Shan


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