Please hear what these guys are talking about. It is about oil and gas and it seems from these guys also mentioning how Sarawak gave away its oil resources and got only 5% cash payment,. It was not royalty.

The guy with the songkok looks like Prince Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah, who one time was the Finance and Treasurer General of UMNO.

He was mentioning Abdul Rahman Yakub was the person who suggest the setting up of Petronas and also 5% cash payment.

I am doubtful who signed away Sabah's oil..was it Donald Stephen or Harris Salleh? Wow lots of money RM90 billion at that time profit...

Every day from the 60 oil wells within three nautical miles off the shores of Sarawak. Petronas is pumping about 850,000 barrels of Sarawak's oil(see The Straits times 18.8.2017)

Between 3rd to 12th nautical miles off Sarawak's shores, it is speculated there are about 200 unmined oil well.These should all belonged to Sarawak. Now beyond 3rd to 12th nautical miles now belonged to the federal government. The shores of Sarawak should be at least 200 nautical miles from the shores

Each day, this is estimated around RM285,00,000 per day. If three months of this money could be divided among Sarawakians, wow! we would all be every rich.

How GPS now is going to get back oil and gas to Sarawak? Will GPS do so? GPS seems to have recognized that Petronas is entitled to the oil and gas resources of Sarawak.

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