(PETER BOON - Borneo Post - SIBU ON SEPTEMBER 9, 2022, FRIDAY AT 11:27 PM) Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) has named its secretary-general Priscilla Lau as the party’s candidate for the Lanang seat in the coming 15th General Election (GE15). 

This was announced by party president Voon Lee Shan here tonight during the party’s Mid-Autumn Festival, hosted by four branches of Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB), namely Bawang Assan, Dudong, Bukit Assek and Pelawan.

“As PBK president, I would like to announce to you all that Priscilla Lau is our party’s candidate for Lanang (Parliamentary seat),” he said.

Lau is a lawyer by profession.

The Lanang parliamentary seat is currently represented by DAP’s Alice Lau Kiong Yien.

Also present at the festival was Parti Sarawak Bersatu (PSB) president Dato Sri Wong Soon Koh.

Meanwhile, in his speech earlier, Voon, who was Batu Lintang assemblyman from 2006-2011 under DAP, said he and Wong are good friends and have known each other for a long time.

Voon recalled when he was an assemblyman attending the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly (DUN) sitting, he never spoke up against Wong.

“What he (Wong) said (in DUN) are all correct, and likewise, he would not object to what I was saying. What we are talking about is for the good of Sarawak.

“Not only that, we are neighbours also (in Kuching). So, we hope both parties can work together, where PSB will take on Sibu Parliamentary seat, while PBK in Lanang – hopefully to send both candidates to the parliament,” said Voon.
Voon was dropped by DAP in the 2011 state election when it and Parti Keadilan Rakyat (PKR) swapped seats – Batu Lintang for Padungan.

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