Malaysia Agreement 1963 is supposed to sign Sabah, Singapore, Sarawak and federation of Malaya into a new country called Malaysia. Malaysian believe that is fact .

However, the record in United Nation shows there's never a new country called Malaysia being registered. However, there was Federation of Malaya had a change of name from Malaya to Malaysia. Another evidence of Malaysia is just a change of name of federation of Malaya from Malaya to Malaysia is at the soul of Malaysia, the federal constitution which based purely on Federation of Malaya 1957 which has nothing to do with Sabah, Sarawak nor Singapore, without taking into consideration of the foundation of "Malaysia Formation", Malaysia Agreement 1963. If there's any amendments of federal constitution needed, the contents of Malaysia Agreement 1963 should be incorporated into Malaysia constitution or else Formation of Malaysia has never begun or Malaysia is basically an evidence of both Sabah and Sarawak being colonised by Federation of Malaya.

Further delay in recognition of Malaysia Agreement 1963 will be perceived internationally and notionally as treating Sabah and Sarawak as colonies all this while, taking natural resources freely from Sabah and Sarawak without taking good care of the people there. #WSJ



进一步推迟承认1963年“马来西亚协定”将被视为国际和理论上将沙巴和沙捞越视为殖民地,同时从沙巴和沙捞越自由获取自然资源而不照顾那里的人民。 #


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