It is time for Sarawak government to base on International laws and United Nations rulings as well as decolonization process to pass Declaration of Independence in DUN and submit it to United Nation's and England for registration. By doing that Sarawak will regain it's independent status.

就是应用国际法律和联合国历来判决与去殖民化系统,在砂拉越议会通过Declaration of Independence 然后把它提交给联合国和英国。

Beware of crocodiles in still waters — Abang Jo
By Jaythaleela K

(MIRI, July 13: Chief Minister Datuk Patinggi Abang Johari Tun Openg reminds Sarawakians to be wary of elements that may try to break Sarawak’s existing unity and harmony. Using the metaphor of crocodiles in still waters, Abang Johari reminded Sarawakians to stay united and not to be influenced by “outsiders” who are very much aware of Sarawak’s rich resources. “Outsiders are aware that we (Sarawak) are rich with resources, …. its like still waters run deep, ….there are ‘crocodile’ awaiting to ‘snatch’ the unity that we have, do not think there are no crocodiles because the water is calm,” he said at the launch of Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS) branches of Bekenu and Lambir at Bekenu Basketball Hall today which was attended by a crowd of 3,000.

Abang Johari also told Sarawakians to avoid split within their communities or parties. “Stand united we must regardless of our ethnicity to protect our rights as Sarawakians, avoid split amongst us,” he stressed. He added that as the chief minister for Sarawak, he is not only the leader for the Malay community but for all races. He thus called upon people of Sarawak from all walks of life to rally behind him and stay united to fight for Sarawak rights. Abang Johari also emphasized on the importance of power sharing among all ethnic groups of Sarawak.

“It is (power-sharing) an important principle for a democratic country. Unlike those in the other side (Peninsular Malaysia), they have many political parties which are fighting each other. We in Sarawak are far better as we could blend together in peace and harmony. “Our leaders (in Sarawak) are sensitive of the differences among various races. We do not squabbles for no apparent reason,” said Abang Johari, adding that Sarawak leaders are matured and well-trained, unlike those from Peninsular Malaysia.

Meanwhile, Abang Johari also announced that RM10 million has been allocated for this year by Sarawak Cabinet for the training of teachers who will be teaching Science and Mathematics in English. “Because there were no funds or allocations provided by the Ministry of Education for the purpose, so the State will chip in as we are aware of the importance of teaching both Science
and Maths in English Language.” He said with the initiative, Sarawak would be the first state in Malaysia to fully implement the policy. “We do not want such thing (lack of funding) to dampen our spirit to develop our education system for the future generations,” he said.

Also present were Deputy Chief Minister Datuk Amar Awang Tengah Ali Hasan, Assistant Minister for Women, Family and Childhood Development Rosey Yunus, Assistant Minister of Law, State-Federal Relations and Project Monitoring Sharifah Hasidah Sayeed Aman Ghazali, Assistang Minister for Tourism, Arts and Culture Datuk Lee Kim Shin, representatives from GPS’s component parties Piasau Assemblyman Datuk Sebastian Ting, Samalaju Assemblyman Majang Renggi, Lambir Assemblyman Ripin Lamat, Sibuti MP Lukanisman Awang Sauni, deputy president of Progressive Democratic Party (PDP), and former Sibuti MP Datuk Ahmad Lai Bujang.

Source: — DayakDaily

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