Voon L S

If police are not confident in ensuring their own safety and security inside their own police stations, then, how could police expect to command confidence of the public that they are able to keep peace and ensure public security in the country?

The order to close gates of police stations at 10:00pm did not receive favourable feedbacks from members of the public. The impression is that, this is peace time, but police seems not able to take care of their own safety and security even inside of police stations and how could police able to ensure public security in public places?

Police stations are considered the safest place and there is no reason people dare to attack police stations if policemen, who being trained in handing security matters, maintained discipline in their job.

We could see policemen were all armed even inside the police stations itself. In fact, arms carried inside the police station could already scare people to go into police stations to seek help.

Instead of closing the gates, police should placed sentries and do proper checking or inspection of people coming in and out of the police stations. We could see there are guard houses at the gates of the police stations, but, if there are no sentries at the guard house or if sentries are not doing their job at the guard house, police should take the blame themselves if police stations are attacked by undesirable elements.

The closing of gates will cause inconvenience to public seeking help in times of distress or when there is an emergency.

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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