Most politicians in power and academics are painting about Malaysia is a federation and MA63 is a valid treaty. This is a deception and a great sin. All will be judged before the Divine Court of our deeds on this planet.

Malaysia is not a federation although the federal constitution states so. Federation only applies to the federation of Malaya.

Malaysia is infact, politically, was a strategy about how the federation of Malaya acquired or annexed Singapore, SABAH and SARAWAK to enlarge Malaya by way of an illegal or dubious Treaty called MA63.

MA63 according to legal experts was an invalid Treaty and it's illegal because at the time MA63 was signed Singapore Sabah and Sarawak being still colonies of UK,had no legal capacity to sign the agreement. Even Sarawak colonial Attorney General PEH Pike echoed this in his opinion. Sarawak signing of MA63 was for "presentational" purpose only.

After Malaya had acquired Singapore Sabah and Sarawak to enlarge its territories or made Singapore Sabah and Sarawak its colonies, Malaya immediately wrote to the United Nations Secretariat through Dato Ong Yoke Lin to inform the UN Secretariat Malaya changed named effective 16 September 1963 to Malaysia.

Therefore it is difficult for people to convince people like me that we are not a colony of Malaya.

Under colonization, it is a rule that colonialists are entitled to enslave, plunder the land and natural resources of the colonized countries and their people.

It's impossible for the federal government which is controlled by Malaya to resolve all problems related to MA63 even if MA63 is valid. This is because MA63 even if it's valid, could not be resolved without returning the revenues, marine wealth, sea territorial waters, oil and gas back to Sarawak and Sabah.

Lee Kuan Yew forsee the problems and I think he also knew MA63 was a big scam if you are minded to study his memoirs, speeches and thoughts that caused him to pull Singapore out from Malaysia. Many thought Singapore was kicked out from Malaysia but I beg to differ. It was planned by Lee Kuan Yew since he was studying law with students from colonies when in UK. In fact, it was a peaceful coup d'etat planned by Lee Kuan Yew with his team, especially with EW Baker,who studied law with him in UK who at that time was also the Attorney General of Singapore.

The Separation Agreement was quickly rushed by EW Baker when parties agreed to part ways. Why the separation agreement not drafted by the Attorney General Of MALAYSIA? Think!

So don't complain too much if you think we should be colonized by Malaya.

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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