Parti Bumi Kenyalang calls for the Ministry of National Unity (KPN) under this Unity Government be scrapped. The money to run this ministry could be better put to use to boost the economy and to uplift poverty in the rural areas. The allocations could also be put to better use to help poor school children in town and rural areas.

This Ministry did not function as expected to ensure better racial and religious harmony amongst various races in Malaysia.

This ministry headed by Minister Aaron Dagang could not until now help resolve the tensions caused by certain quarters of people who fanned hatred, disunity or disharmony amongst people of various religions and races.

Was the Ministry functioning to tackle unity problems?

We could also see the vernacular schools issues, Bak Kut Teh and Allah socks issue in KK Mart Convenience Store been blown out proportion by some politicians and activists. We should respect each other's language, culture, religion and religious practices. In all things that affects our society that can cause tensions, we should show some tolerance against each other.

There are people now that are living in fear
after the petrol bom being thrown in front of the KK Mart Convenience Store in Perak.

Was not this the work of extremists arising from accusations against KK Mart Convenience Store about the ALLAH socks found in one of its convenient store recently?

Many people in the streets are seeing the "attack" by these few politicians and activists are aiming at creating a wedge between non Muslim businessmen and the Muslim Malays who are the majority population in the country.

People in the streets are worried that these few people are more powerful than law enforcement officers who is also seen as public prosecutors and judges.

Are they taking away or usurping the powers of the Sultans or Majlis Raja-Raja concerning religious issues or Islam in the country?

We hope they are not doing this because all of us need to show respect to Sultans and the King. We all love our Sultans and the King.

Such actions, if not checked may lead to the collapse of the economy and the civil society. We should remind ourselves of May 13, 1969 incident and that is enough for Malaysia. No one, but only stupid people who stirred the Allah socks issue wins!

So far, the Unity Minister had hardly been seen and heard of his views on how to tackle these problems. What is his blue print for unity?

The tensions caused by religion and race politics will definitely cause much uneasiness to the people of Sarawak and Sabah about what is happening in Malaya and it will see Sarawak and Sabah seeking exit from the federation faster.

People of Sarawak and Sabah are more vocal now to speak about their rights to seek Independence and freedom from Malaya.

Parti Bumi Kenyalang is maintaining its mission to see Sarawak exit from Malaysia by peaceful and legal means like what Singapore did in 1965 if PBK forms the government.

Malaysia was constituted as a secular state under MA63. However, the continuing dramas with race and religion only confirm that MA63 (if valid) has been long since broken by the unequal race religion system imposed on Sabah and Sarawak. We are entitled to consider our option to seek exit.

President Parti Bumi Kenyalang

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