1. During many of our discourses on the common problem facing Sabah and Sarawak here in Kuching, we find it opportune time to again call on both the Borneon states to expedite the re-establishment of the para military Border Scout in both states.

2. The state governments should immediately start the process to revive the Border Scout now as Sabah Chief Minister Datuk Hajiji Mohd Noor himself admitted in October 2023 he has held talk with his Sarawak counter part Premier Datuk Abang Johari Openg on the matter.

3. Don't wait for another year to pass. We need to revive the para military unit to beef up surveillance and security at our borders, especially with the persistent incursions of foreigners through our borders, including the Sarawak's long border with Indonesia, which has seen increased activities lately.

4. The Border Scout unit which was formed in 1963 and trained by the British and made up of natives living near our borders, had shown to be effective in manning police huts along the borders because they were familiar with the geography.

5. It appeared ever since the disbandment of Border Scout in 1986, the current level of security forces was inadequate for protecting Sabah and Sarawak borders.


Joint Statement by
Mr Voon Lee Shan
President of Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK), and
Mr Kanul Gindol
Top Sabah Activist
Statement released in Kuching

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