It could not be denied that there are too many people born in Sarawak not have identity cards. Many said they have applied but their application had not been entertained by the government. It seems that caused by concern from activists over this issue, the government had recently had sent teams to the ground to tame steps to get them issued with birth certificates and identity cards
This is appreciated but it gave much concern that kids and people from neighbouring countries may take the opportunity to become Sarawakians and Malaysians citizens. This will not be healthy if the exercise be turned into “Project IC” like what had alleged been happening in Sabah. If this is done, this will allow them the right to vote and to decide or elect who should be the Sarawak government in coming elections.
The Sarawak government is advised and informed that Sarawakians are against foreigners being issued or granted citizenship in Sarawak. No such recommendations to the federal authorities should be made by the Sarawak government to issue identity cards to foreigners and to have them the opportunity and right live in Sarawak. Sarawakians are against Sarawak as a haven for the foreigners.