The delivery of the decision on MA63 suit filed by 11 plaintiffs against the goverment of the United Kingdom, Malaysia and Sarawak seeking the court to declare the Malaysia Agreement 1963 as an invalid agreement has been deferred to 25 May 2023 at 0900hrs (tentatively subject to confirmation).

This is a unique case and perhaps is the only case of this nature in the world. The Malaysia Agreement was used to form the federation of Malaysia. Without a valid MA63 there could not be Malaysia. The argument of the Plaintiffs amongst others was that if MA63 was invalid then Malaysia could not be formed on 16 September 1963.

The decision was supposed to be delivered by learned Justice Alexander Siew How Wai yesterday 5 May 2023.

We know that Sabahans especially Sarawakians are eager to know the decision of the suit which had been deferred two times previously.

The decision on MA63 Suit is of great importance for peoples of Sabah and Sarawak and learned Justice Alexander Siew How Wai should be given ample time to write his decision. May Sabahans and Sarawakians be informed that there are too many novel issues on points of law that his Lordship need to examine carefully in his judgment. This is because his judgment could attract much interest among academicians, social activists, lawyers and politicians not only in Malaysia but in the world.

I know many of you were not happy yesterday on the decision being further deferred at the last minute and were not informed of it early. It is normal for the Judge to defer judgement at the last minute when the Judge thinks there needs something important to be further examined by him. Justice could not be rushed because to do so mistakes could be easily caused.

Justice Alexander Siew How Wai was a very polite and patient judge who gave me much rooms in my arguments for the Plaintiffs. I was greatly relieved about his calm and the ways Justice Alexander Siew was handling the suit.

I hereby appeal to all of you to understand the task and heavy responsibility that Justice Alexander Siew is facing in this case.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang
6 May 2023

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