Voon Li ShanI went around Batu Lintang to find out the reaction of voters concerning YB See Chee How leaving PSB. Many whom I met said they voted for the party, not for YB See Chee How as a person.

They have enough of him and he should be gentleman enough to resign from his Batu Lintang seat. By having made commitments or given undertaking to PSB not to resign from the party if he won on PSB ticket, YB See Chee How should display leadership by honouring what he had promised to PSB. By resigning See Chee How should compensate PSB for having won on PSB ticket.

Voters in Batu Lintang whom I met said that the reason for him leaving the party is a very flimsy excuse and not acceptable to them when he said he wanted to stay away from party politics.

By being an independent, how could he be able to serve the constituency well?

Public are now fed-up with politicians leaving their party or hop to another party after being elected. It was for this reason the turn out for voting during PRN12 was very low. Public lost interest and felt betrayed in the democratic system of the country and this led to recently passed Anti-Hopping Act 2022.

By hopping out or resigning from the party, is YB See Chee How encouraging party hopping?

Parti Bumi Kenyalang
17 August, 2022

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