Voon Lee Shan

The Kuching High Court dismissed the originating summons filed by me to set aside Chief Justice of Sabah and Sarawak (CJSS) Datuk Abang Iskandar Abang Hashim's order to admit former CJSS David Wong Dak Wah as an advocate in Sarawak.

Wong Dak Wah is from Sabah who at one time was a high Court judge in Kuching, Sarawak. He was a federal court Judge before he retired recently. He then applied to be admitted as an Advocate to practice law in Sarawak and this was allowed by the Chief Judge of Sabah and Sarawak.

I challenged the decision of the Chief Judge in high court Kuching on the ground that David Wong has to establish his Sarawak connections under the Sarawak Advocates Ordinance.

David Wong is from Sabah and I did not find anything to show he has Sarawak connections that prompted me to file the suit to seek the court strike him out of the Rolls of Advocates of Sarawak. I consider this is a public interest case and I am to protect Sarawak right, not a busy body.

The high Court Judge dismissed my case and I shall appeal. This case affects the livelihood of Sarawak lawyers and future generations of lawyers. Soon we may see lawyers from Malaya open law firms here and we are not able to compete with them.

This case may also affects the livelihoods of Sarawak business people because Malayans will swamp in to Sarawak.

Malayan lawyers can just walk into our court, a thing that is protected under MA63.

In past 58 years many Sarawak rights had been taken away or been diluted, giving Malaya dominance and created much inequality over our livelihood which affected our lives

If we allow a gate to be opened, it it make it easy to allow Malayans to open other gates to take our livelihood away. We have seen many our rights been taken away in the past 58 years. Licensing of our businesses are also controlled by Malaya and this had made business difficult and prices of goods and services very expensive in Sarawak.

Chong Siew Chiang of Messrs Chong Brothers Advocates who represented David Wong asked cost of RM35,000 against me. The other lawyer who represented David Wong was Tan Kee Heng.

I have two more cases of similar nature or related cases before the Court of Appeal now in which the court whacked me for RM10K and RM15K in High Court Kuching , which I also lost. These cases were also represented by Chong Siew Chiang and Tan Kee Heng

I shall be in deeper trouble if I may not win my appeal before the Court of Appeal or before federal Court.

Justice is difficult for poor fellows and I do not have the financial means to fight the giants, if public would not rescue me.

There are a few lawyers working for me to fight this case and we shall not stop until we reach the highest court in the land.

As cost of litigation is very high I am not able to absorb the costs. With that, I am pleading Sarawakians to chip in to help me shoulder the litigation cost and token fee for the lawyers.

I am contactable by my handphone 014-9688319 to receive personal donations.

Donations could also be handed to our party leaders, Life President Yu Chin Liik, Secretary General Priscilla Lau, Treasurer General Jamie Tiew and South Zone Political Affairs Director Raymond Thong.

I hereby plead Sarawakians to stand firm behind Parti Bumi Kenyalang to protect our interests and prevent bullying by people.

Voon Lee Shan
Parti Bumi Kenyalang

11 May 2021

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