Constitution can abolish, limit and suspend prerogative powers. Therefore, prerogative powers in the hands of the King have to be exercised in accordance with the constitution. Constitution is supreme and no one could be above the constitution.

At present, the Attorney-General, who is also the public prosecutor, is empowered by Article 145(3) federal constitution to institute criminal proceedings could under this same Article, together with section 254 Criminal Procedure Code, discontinue or withdraw any criminal proceedings that are before the court.

Dato Harun was also convicted for a corruption case when he brought in Mohammad Ali to Malaysia for the boxing event again Joe Bugner. The fight was organised to raise fund for UMNO.

The MA63 suit filed in court is utmost important to determine the future of Sabah and Sarawak. If the MA63 is declared null and void or could be invalidated due to willful breaches, the federation could be dissolved. But the political will of the GPS government is to see Sarawak stay in Malaysia.

Prime minister had announced that if Aidilfitri falls on Saturday, the additional public holiday will be fixed for Friday, while the Raya public holiday falls on Monday. This is good news for working people, but, if one thinks carefully, this is not good news to working people, if there are too many leave and holidays in the country. This is because leave and holidays can affect the economy and cause inflation.

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