A question is now posed by many is that whether the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as the 8th Governor to replace Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud, constitutional? The press mentioned that Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud resigned as governor ahead of the appointment of Tun Dr. Haji Wan Junaidi bin Tuanku Jaafar as the 8th Governor to replace him but, there seems no official announcement of this by the state government or by Tun Pehin Sri Abdul Taib Mahmud himself.

"We need to clarify that PBK could not have any ties with PKR simply on the ground that, PKR being a political party from Malaya doesn’t share the struggles of PBK."

It is a shock to read that Parti Bumi Kenyalang has ties with PKR and that PBK has a joint statement with PKR concerning the appointment of Sarawak Governor(TYT) – see Dayak Daily January 24, 2024 & Utusan Borneo Online 25 January, 2024.

MIRI, Jan 20 — Parti Bumi Kenyalang (PBK) president Voon Lee Shan has called for the Federal Constitution to be amended towards regaining public confidence in the Malaysian judicial system.

It is noted that there is nothing in the Sarawak Constitution to prohibit a non-Malay or a non-muslim to be the governor of Sarawak. If there is a silent agreement among the elites in Sarawak or Malaysia that only Malays or Muslims could be governors, such an unholy agreement should be removed. All previous TYTs, including on acting on this position, were all malays or muslims. This is seen as discrimination of race in Sarawak to such an important position.

Often police will justify the shooting of the suspect because the suspect is suspected to have committed many crimes under investigation and was armed at the time of shooting.

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